Compare the performance between a smartphone and a GPS car tracker. What can track the car’s coordinates more accurately?

Nowadays, tracking the car’s location has become more convenient because there is a GPS system that no matter where in the world GPS can access and locate the coordinates that we want to know quickly. Currently, there are 2 types of commonly used GPS systems that people use. Used through an application on a smartphone […]
What kind of users is a car tracker suitable for?

One of the essential items that every car driver must have. because it is not only a device that increases safety Both in tracking the coordinates of the car you use. Helps to warn of engine malfunctions But it is also a device that helps upgrade the convenience of your life even more incredible, that […]
V2X Car GPS How much does it cost and where can I buy it?

In this era, anyone can use a GPS device in the car because in addition to being very easy to install, the smart car GPS from V2X also comes with many functions. And it’s more useful than you think. at a price you can afford If anyone is looking for or buying a GPS in […]
Get to know the strengths of V2X Smart GPS Tracker, the number 1 car tracker for car users.

Many people have probably heard or known about GPS, a device that helps locate coordinates. Keep track of the cars as well. This is an important item that is very suitable for people who have a car. because it increases both safety and the convenience of using your own car Today, GPS in the car […]
How to install the V2X Smart GPS Tracker by yourself

But before talking about the installation of GPS devices in the car to the car, many of you may have pictures of the installation process of dismantling the console that is quite difficult. But for a car tracker V2X Smart GPS Tracker is a new generation of GPS devices that are useful and very easy […]
Why is the V2X car tracker more than just GPS Tracking?

Comparing the car purchase rate in the first half of 2021 with the first half of 2020, it can be seen that the car purchase rate is 373,191 cars, an increase of 13.6%, which is the top problem. The things that many people meet, can’t escape the story. Forget to check the running distance of […]
What is the OBD2 port? Did you know that your car also has an OBD2 port?

Believe that many people May not have heard or know that the car has a system to analyze the malfunction of the car. What is it? But often see flashing lights appearing on the dashboard of the car, right? This is called OBD2 Alert System. Today will bring everyone to ask questions about What is […]
The car does not have an OBD2 port, will it be equipped with V2X’s GPS Tracking? This article has the answer.

Many people may have heard of the OBD2 port as a vehicle malfunction warning system. to have in every car But everyone is probably wondering what is the OBD2 port can do and if there is no OBD2 port will install GPS Tracking of V2X or not today V2X has an answer for everyone. Let’s […]
Where can the OBD2 port be in the car? Check the list here before installing a GPS tracking device.

Before talking about the GPS tracking car, many people have probably heard or known about the OBD2 port that is an engine malfunction analysis report. And keep alerts to know that the normal is caused by what causes but may still wonder Where is the position of the OBD2 port in the car today? V2X […]
Easily check fuel consumption with Trip Report from V2X GPS tracker.

Of course, the main purpose of a GPS car tracker is to determine where your car is now. which is a device that will increase the safety of your car How great would it be if your car GPS can be more convenient for you than just checking your car’s location? But can also check […]